Here it is, the first post.  I’m guessing everyone reading this has also had 1st post anxiety.  I’ve deleted that line more times than I can remember, so now I’ll just keep it.  Here’s me in a nutshell.

I’m a Dad-  I have 2 wonderful children who keep me extremely busy with their school, soccer, and taekwondo.  They are very rambunctious and get into a healthly amount of trouble.  They keep us on our toes and I love spending time with them.

I’m a Husband- My wife and I are celebrating our 10 year anniversary soon (15 years together 10 married).  I love her to death and would do anything to see her happy.  She’s truly a special person that sometimes can really push my buttons.

I’m a Man- I do not apologize for being a man, but don’t see why men feel the need to be Mr. Tough guy all the time either.

I’m painfully honest- I wear my thoughts on the front of my face for the world to see.  I don’t know how to hide my emotions from the world and the concept of just deal with it means nothing to me.  If I don’t like something I’ll say it.  I laugh, I cry, I fight, I scream, I love.  That’s what being a man is all about.

We will get to know each other very well as I share my life experiences and we can learn together how to work with everything life throws at us.  Follow me and leave comments.

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